Il 09/05/2014 Bilbo di 14 anni ha scritto:
Grazie mille per la risposta :)Questa domanda fa riferimento a una richiesta precedente - domande collegate
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- #2547 "Dubbi sul Present Perfect e il Past Simple" del 09/05/2014 inviata da Bilbo
Ciao!Avrei dei dubbi su quest frasi con il Present Perfect e Past Simple:1.Pete HASN'T PLAYED basketball before.
2.More online magazines APPEARED in the last few years.Snowboarders HAD a bad boy image in the beginning but that CHANGED now.
3.Have you joined the new gym yet?Yes,I've JUST (o ALREADY?)become a member.
4.I saw Chris when I was there.He's going to teach a karate class every week.He HAS JUST OFFERED to do judo class as well.
Sono corrette queste frasi?Mi potete per favore dove commetto errori e perche?
- #2552 Questa domanda